meteospain available!


2020 monthly average temperature in Catalunya stations

meteospain, the R package to access the data of Spanish meteorology stations is now available at CRAN. Want to access meteorology stations data easily? Just install the meteospain package and get the meteo!

 4## udunits database from /usr/share/udunits/udunits2.xml
 7  'meteogalicia',
 8  meteogalicia_options('daily', start_date = as.Date('2020-04-10'))
 9) %>%
10  drop_units() %>%
11  ggplot(aes(colour = mean_temperature)) +
12  geom_sf()
13## A información divulgada a través deste servidor ofrécese gratuitamente aos cidadáns para que poida ser 
14## utilizada libremente por eles, co único compromiso de mencionar expresamente a MeteoGalicia e á 
15## Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivenda da Xunta de Galicia como fonte da mesma cada vez 
16## que as utilice para os usos distintos do particular e privado.
Galician meteo stations average temperature for 2020-04-10:
Galician meteo stations average temperature for 2020-04-10:

meteospain provides access to data from stations of several networks:

  • AEMET, the Spanish State Meteorological Agency.
  • MeteoCat, the Catalan Meteorology Service.
  • MeteoGalicia, the Galician Meteorological Service.
  • RIA, the Andalucian Agroclimatic Information Network.
  • Meteoclimatic, the Spanish non-professional meteorological stations network.

Don’t forget to check the docs for a full guide into using meteospain.

Ecosystem Modelling Facility
Ecosystem Modelling Facility