The Ecosystem Modelling Facility (EMF) is a small unit within CREAF specifically devoted to modelling activities, with special focus on the response of ecosystems to global change. EMF aims at becoming a meeting point for people (from CREAF and beyond) interested in developing or applying models to predict the response of terrestrial ecosystems to drivers of global change, both for research or knowledge transfer purposes.
What do we do?
- Provide training and technical support for modelling activities to research groups at CREAF.
- Develop and promote the use of process-based and empirical models aimed at predicting the response of terrestrial ecosystems to global change at multiple scales from the forest stand to the region.
- Facilitate discovery of data sets or models relevant for ecosystem modelling activities.
- Develop tools aimed at facilitating the interoperability between data sources and models, and between different models.
- Develop and maintain interactive web applications for ecosystem data exploration and visualization.
Miquel de Cáceres
EMF Coordinator
I am mostly interested in the development of statistical and modeling approaches to understand the structure and functioning of terrestrial plant communities at scales ranging from the forest stand to landscapes and regions. My long-term goal in ecological modeling is to develop, promote and apply modeling frameworks to better understand and anticipate the response of forest ecosystems to global change drivers at the local to regional scales, with a strong focus on water-limited areas.
Roberto Molowny-Horas
I am a research technician at CREAF, located in the UAB campus (Spain). I graduated in Physics at ULL (Spain) in 1988 and received my PhD in Astrophysics in 1994 at ITA (Norway). I also obtained a master diploma in Remote Sensing and GIS from the IEEC (Spain) in 2003. My research areas include environmental sciences, forest ecology, applied statistics and mathematical ecology.
Adriana Tovar-Rodríguez
Natural environment engineer with a master in terrestrial ecology. Passionate about forests ecosystems and concerned about global change. My goal is to contribute to the understanding of climate change effects on forest functioning to enhance the development of better management practices.
Inés Delsman
With a Master's in International Land and Water Management, focusing on sustainable soil management, I am interested in the functioning and design of our environment and want to work towards more climate-resilient landscapes.
Víctor Granda-García
Data Scientist
Plant biologist turned into data scientist. Open source and open data enthusiast with a knack for programming in R.