Ecosystem Modelling Facility, CREAF
The water potential (\(\Psi\)) is the potential energy of water, relative to pure water under reference conditions. It quantifies the tendency of water to move from one area to another.
It has pressure units (e.g. MPa) and can be divided into different components:
But not all components are equally relevant in all contexts
The water retention curve of a soil (or soil moisture characteristic curve) is the relationship between volumetric soil moisture content ( \(\theta\) in \(m^3 \cdot m^{-3}\) of soil excluding rock fragments) and the corresponding soil water potential ( \(\Psi\), in MPa)
Two water retention curve models are available in medfate:
Saxton model:
\[\theta(\Psi) = (\Psi/A)^{(1/B)}\] where \(A\) and \(B\) depend on the texture and, if available, organic matter in the soil.
Van Genuchten model: \[\theta(\Psi) = \theta_{res}+\frac{\theta_{sat}-\theta_{res}}{\left[1+ (\alpha \cdot \Psi)^n \right]^{1-1/n}}\] where \(\theta(\psi)\) is the water retention, \(\theta_{sat}\) is the saturated water content, \(\theta_{res}\) is the residual water content, \(\alpha\) is related to the inverse of the air entry pressure, and \(n\) is a measure of the pore-size distribution.
Parameters of the water retention curves can be calibrated empirically but are normally derived from soil texture and bulk density.
The pressure volume curve of a plant tissue or organ is the relationship between relative water content (\(RWC\), in \(kg \, H_2O / kg \, \, H_2O\) at saturation) and the corresponding water potential ( \(\Psi\), in MPa).
The relationship between \(\Psi\) and \(RWC\) is formulating by separating \(\Psi\) into osmotic (solute) potential (\(\Psi_{S}\)) and the turgor pressure potential (\(\Psi_{P}\)):
\[\Psi = \Psi_{S} + \Psi_{P}\] where \[\Psi_{P} = -\pi_0 -\epsilon\cdot (1.0 - RWC)\] and \[ \Psi_{S} = \frac{-\pi_0}{RWC}\]
where \(\pi_0\) (MPa) is the osmotic potential at full turgor (i.e. when \(RWC = 1\)) and \(\epsilon\) is the modulus of elasticity (i.e. the slope of the relationship).
When \(\Psi \leq \Psi_{tlp}\), the water potential at turgor loss point, then \(\Psi_{P} = 0\) and \(\Psi = \Psi_{S}\). If \(\Psi > \Psi_{tlp}\) then the two components are needed.
Hydraulic conductance \(k\) measures how much flux exists along a pathway segment (e.g. soil, stem, leaves, … ) for a given difference in water potential.
Hydraulic conductance decreases when air replaces water in any segment of the pathway.
The vulnerability curve specifies the relationship between water potential (\(\Psi\)) and hydraulic conductance (\(k\)) of a given segment.
Conductance is modelled as a van Genuchten (1980) function:
\[k(\Psi) = k_{max} \cdot v^{(n-1)/(2\cdot n)} \cdot ((1-v)^{(n-1)/n}-1)^2\]
Conductance is modelled using a Weibull or a Sigmoid:
\[k(\Psi) = k_{max}\cdot e^{-((\Psi/d)^c)}\]
\[k(\Psi) = \frac{k_{max}}{1 + e^{(slope/25) \cdot (\Psi - \Psi_{50})}}\]
When stomata are closed (e.g. during night), plant leaf water potential is assumed to be in equilibrium with the water potential in the rhizosphere (neglecting gravity effects).
When stomata are open, a larger transpiration flow (\(E\)) implies a larger drop in water potential along the transpiration pathway due to the negative pressure (suction) that arises 1:
The decrease in soil water potential caused by drought has multiple effects on plants 1, with some processes ceasing to occur and others becoming important or being promoted, depending on the plant response strategy 2.
The water balance models in available in medfate simulate the following vertical water flows in a given forest stand.
Component | Symbol | Description |
Infiltration | \(If\) | Water entering the soil from above |
Capillarity rise | \(Cr\) | Water entering the soil via capillarity from a lower saturated layer |
Deep drainage | \(Dd\) | Water percolating beyond the root zone |
Saturation excess | \(Se\) | Excess of water in the soil |
Soil evaporation | \(Es\) | Evaporation from soil surface |
Woody transpiration | \(Tr_{woody}\) | Woody plant transpiration |
Herb transpiration | \(Tr_{herb}\) | Herbaceous plant transpiration |
Variations in soil water content can be summarized as: \[\Delta{V_{soil}} = (If + Cr) - (Dd + Se + Es + Tr_{herb} + Tr_{woody})\]
If rainfall occurs during a given day, three processes are simulated to update the water content in soil layers:
Sub-models involved in water inputs
Regardless of precipitation, soil moisture can be modified due to the following processes:
Sub-models involved in water outputs
Soil water uptake by plants, hydraulic redistribution and transpiration are modelled differently depending on the water balance model: basic vs advanced.
Three submodels are available to simulate water movement into, out of and within the soil:
A. Multi-bucket model: Water inputs and drainage during a rainy day (and may be the next if over field capacity).
B. Single-domain model: Vertical water movement any day following gravitational and matric potentials (Richards equation). Assumes an homogeneous porous media.
C. Dual permeability model: Flows in the soil matrix following the previous model. Flows in the macropore domain following gravitational forces. The two domains exchange water.
Sub-models of fluxes in the soil
The three sub-models differ greatly in computational demand (see Exercise 2b).
Maximum canopy transpiration \(Tr_{\max}\) depends on potential evapotranspiration, \(PET\), and the amount of transpirating surface, i.e. the stand leaf area index, thanks to an empirical relationship by Granier 1:
\[\frac{Tr_{\max}}{PET}= -0.006\cdot (LAI^{\phi}_{stand})^2+0.134\cdot LAI^{\phi}_{stand}\]
and therefore:
\[Tr_{\max} = PET \cdot \left( -0.006\cdot (LAI^{\phi}_{stand})^2+0.134\cdot LAI^{\phi}_{stand} \right)\]
Maximum canopy transpiration is divided among plant cohorts according to the amount of light absorbed by each one.
Granier’s equation is actually species-specific in medfate.
Actual plant transpiration depends on soil moisture and is calculated for each soil layer \(s\) separately.
A relative whole-plant water conductance, \(k_{rel}\) is defined for any given soil layer \(s\) using:
\[k_{rel}(\Psi_s) = \exp \left \{\ln{(0.5)}\cdot \left[ \frac{\Psi_{s}}{\Psi_{extract}}\right] ^r \right \}\]
where \(\Psi_{extract}\) is the water potential at which transpiration is 50% of maximum, and \(\Psi_s\), the water potential in layer \(s\).
The water extracted by a plant cohort from soil layer \(s\) and transpired, \(Tr_{s}\), is the product:
\[Tr_{s} = Tr_{\max} \cdot k_{rel}(\Psi_{s}) \cdot FRP_{s}\] where \(FRP_{s}\) is the proportion of plant fine roots in layer \(s\).
This transpiration model allows emulating stomatal closure in response to soil water deficit but do not allow modelling stomatal responses to other factors.
Gross photosynthesis for a plant cohort, \(A_g\), is estimated as a function of transpiration, \(Tr\), using:
\[A_{g} = Tr \cdot WUE_{\max} \cdot (L^{PAR})^{WUE_{PAR}} \cdot (1 - e^{WUE_{CO2} \cdot C_{air}}) \cdot VPD^{WUE_{VPD}} \]
Parameters regulating photosynthesis cannot be related to traits. The estimation of these parameters and those regulating transpiration is done via a metamodelling exercise.
The basic water balance model does not estimate the water potential drop from soil to the leaf.
Despite its simplicity, a gross surrogate of ‘plant’ water potential, \(\Psi_{plant}\), may be obtained using:
\[\Psi_{plant}= k_{rel}^{-1} \cdot \left(\sum_{s}{k_{rel}(\Psi_s)\cdot FRP_{s}}\right)\]
which can be intuitively understood as an average of soil water potential taking into account fine root distribution.
The advanced transpiration and photosynthesis model operates at sub-daily time steps.
Temperature and radiation inputs are temporally disaggregated.
Process | Source |
Soil & canopy energy balance | Best et al. (2011) Geosci. Mod. Dev. 4, 677-699 |
Canopy turbulence | Katul et al. (2004) Bound. Lay. Met. 113, 81-109 |
Sunlit/shade leaf photosynthesis | De pury & Farquhar (1997) Plant, Cell & Env., 20, 537–557 |
Direct/diffuse short-wave extinction model | Anten & Bastiaans (2016) Canopy photosynthesis: From basics to application |
Long-wave radiation model | Flerchinger et al. (2009) Wan. J. Life Sci. 57, 5-15 |
Plant hydraulics & stomatal regulation | [next slides] |
The supply function describes the steady-state rate of water flow, \(E\), as a function of water potential drop.
The steady-state flow rate \(E_i\) through any element \(i\) is related to the flow-induced drop in water potential across that element, \(\Delta \Psi_i = \Psi_{down} - \Psi_{up}\), by the integral of the vulnerability curve \(k_i(\Psi)\) 1:
\[E_i = \int_{\Psi_{up}}^{\Psi_{down}}{k_i(\Psi) d\Psi}\]
where \(\Psi_{up}\) and \(\Psi_{down}\) are the upstream and downstream water potential values.
The supply function can be integrated across the whole hydraulic network.
\[E(\Psi_{leaf}) = \int_{\Psi_{soil}}^{\Psi_{leaf}}{k(\Psi) d\Psi}\]
1. Cost function
The hydraulic supply function is used to derive a cost function \(\theta(\Psi_{leaf})\), reflecting the increasing damage from cavitation.
\[\theta(\Psi_{leaf}) = \frac{k_{c,max}-k_{c}(\Psi_{leaf})}{k_{c,max}-k_{crit}}\]
where \(k_c(\Psi_{leaf}) = dE/d\Psi(\Psi)\) is the slope of the (whole-plant) supply function.
2. Gain function
The normalized photosynthetic gain function \(\beta(\Psi_{leaf})\) reflects the increase in assimilation rate, with respect to the maximum.
\[\beta(\Psi_{leaf}) = \frac{A(\Psi_{leaf})}{A_{max}}\]
where \(A_{max}\) is the instantaneous maximum (gross) assimilation rate estimated over the full \(\Psi_{leaf}\) range.
3. Profit function
Stomatal regulation can be effectively estimated by determining the maximum of the profit function: \[Profit(\Psi_{leaf}) = \beta(\Psi_{leaf})-\theta(\Psi_{leaf})\]
The maximization is achieved when the slopes of the gain and cost functions are equal: \[\frac{\delta \beta(\Psi_{leaf})}{\delta \Psi_{leaf}} = \frac{\delta \theta(\Psi_{leaf})}{\delta \Psi_{leaf}}\]
SurEau’s sub-model, leaf energy balance, stomatal and cuticular conductances, transpirational flows, photosynthesis and plant hydraulics are computed iteratively in small temporal sub-steps (e.g. 10 min).
Plant hydraulics
Water dynamics in SurEau-ECOS 1 are governed by partial differential equations of mass conservation:
\[C_i \cdot \frac{\mathrm{d}\Psi_i}{\mathrm{d}t} + \sum_{j}{k_{ij}\cdot (\Psi_i - \Psi_j)} - S = 0\]
where \(\Psi_i\) and \(\Psi_j\) are the water potential of compartments \(i\) and \(j\), respectively, \(C_i\) is the capacitance associated to the compartment \(i\) and \(S\) is an outflow component (e.g. stomatal transpiration, cuticular transpiration or cavitation flux).
Stomatal regulation
Stomatal conductance takes into account the dependence of stomata on light and temperature 2, as well as leaf water status:
\[g_{sw} = g_{sw, light, temp} \cdot \lambda(\Psi_{leaf,sym}) \]
where \(g_{sw, light, temp}\) is the stomatal conductance value without water stress, and \(\lambda\) is a regulation factor that represents stomatal closure according to leaf water potential, using a sigmoid function.
Cuticular conductance
Cuticular conductances are not only species-specific but also change with leaf temperature, according to changes in permeability of lipids in the epidermis.
Daily drought stress, \(DDS\), is defined using \(\phi\), the phenological status, and the one-complement of relative whole-plant conductance:
Basic model
Since \(k_{rel}\) is already defined as a relative whole-plant conductance:
\[DDS=\phi \cdot (1-k_{rel}(\Psi_{plant}))\]
Advanced model
Since the derivative of the supply function, i.e. \(dE / d\Psi_{leaf}\), is the absolute whole-plant conductance:
\[DDS=\phi \cdot \left[ 1 - \frac{dE / d\Psi_{leaf}}{k_{max,plant}} \right]\]
If cavitation has occurred in previous steps then the capacity of the plant to transport water is impaired via the estimation of percent loss conductance (PLC).
Basic model
Estimation of PLC:
\[PLC_{stem} = 1 - \exp \left \{ \ln{(0.5)}\cdot \left[ \frac{\Psi_{plant}}{\Psi_{critic}} \right] ^r \right \}\]
Effect on plant transpiration:
\[k_{rel}^{PLC}(\Psi_{s}) = \min \{k_{rel}(\Psi_{s}), 1.0 - PLC_{stem} \}\]
Advanced model
Estimation of PLC:
\(PLC_{stem} = 1 - \frac{k_{stem}(\Psi_{stem})}{k_{max,stem}}\)
Effect on the stem vulnerability curve:
Group | Process | Basic | Advanced |
Forest hydrology | Rainfall interception | * | * |
Infiltration/percolation | * | * | |
Soil gravitational and matric flows | [*] | [*] | |
Bare soil evaporation | * | * | |
Snow dynamics | * | * | |
Transpiration through stomata | [*] | * | |
Cuticular transpiration | [*] | ||
Hydraulic redistribution | [*] | * | |
Radiation balance | Radiation extinction | * | * |
Diffuse/direct separation | * | ||
Longwave/shortwave separation | * | ||
Plant physiology | Photosynthesis | [*] | * |
Stomatal regulation | * | ||
Plant hydraulics | * | ||
Stem cavitation | * | * | |
Energy balance | Leaf energy balance | * | |
Canopy energy balance | * | ||
Soil energy balance | * |
Group | State variable | Basic | Advanced |
Soil | Soil moisture gradients | * | * |
Soil temperature gradients | * | ||
Canopy | Canopy temperature gradients | * | |
Canopy moisture gradients | * | ||
Canopy \(CO_2\) gradients | * | ||
Plant | Leaf phenology status | * | * |
Plant water status | * | * | |
Plant water content | * | ||
Water potential gradients | * | ||
Stem cavitation level | * | * |
M.C. Escher - Waterfall, 1961