meteoland 2.0.0 is available!


meteoland R package bumped to 2.0.0

meteoland R package, which provides utilities to estimate daily weather variables at any position over complex terrains has been updated to version 2.0.0.
This version of meteoland introduces a new tidy way of working with meteorological data and tidy interpolation, cross-validation and calibration workflows.
Also, as rgdal, rgeos and maptools R packages are being retired (by end of 2023), as well as sp and raster packages enter in maintenance mode, an effort has been made to remove meteoland dependencies on these packages and make meteoland able to work with sf and stars packages.

Read all changes made in this version here.

Read about the new meteoland tidy workflows here.

Ecosystem Modelling Facility
Ecosystem Modelling Facility